1- Prayer is Invading the Impossible

Book –
Prayer is Invading the Impossible, Jack Hayford

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Prayer is an aggressive act in the face of impossibility that may be performed by anyone willing to learn how to pray. This is one of the best-selling and more highly regarded books on prayer in our generation. To Pastor Jack Hayford, prayer is not the mystical experience of a few special people, but an aggressive act in the face of impossibility--an act that may be performed by anyone who will accept the challenge to learn to pray.

Through prayer, we learn that nothing is impossible with God – He is able to do beyond all that we can ask or think. Jack Hayford writes, “Prayer can change anything. The impossible doesn’t exist. His is the power. Ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.”

Prayer is Invading the Impossible - Chapters
1- Invading the Impossible11- The Syndrome of Silence
2- Anyone Can Do It, Can't They?12- Dirty Linen in the Throne Room
3- A World Waiting in the Wings13- The Only Way to Fly
4- The Violence of Life14- Praying With All Prayer
5- The Force of a Real Experience15- The Most Prayed Prayer in the World
6- On Making Upside-Down Right-Side-Up and Having it Called Upside-Down16- The Praying That Enlarges Millions
7- The Violence of Love17- The Praying That Sets Boundaries
8- Reprogramming the Freed18- The Praying That Contracts with God
9- The Primer on Prayer19- A Word in Conclusion
10- If We Don't, He Won'tEpilogue