Supplemental Readings

Book – Boundaries, Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend (no PDF)

1- A Day in a Bondaryless Life9- Boundaries and Your Spouse
2- What Does a Boundary Look Like?10- Boundaries and Your Children
3- Boundary Problems11- Boundaries and Work
4- How Boundaries Are Developed12- Boundaries and Your Self
5- Ten Laws of Boundaries13- Boundaries and God
6- Common Boundary Myths14- Resistance to Boundaries
7- Boundaries and Your Family15- How to Measure Success with Boundaries
8- Boundaries and Your Friends16- A Day in a Life with Boundaries

Book – Power Through Prayer, E.M. Bounds

In 20 short but provocative and inspiring chapters, each prefaced with quotations from spiritual giants, E.M. Bounds stresses the imperative of vital prayer in the life of a pastor. He says, “… every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work and is powerless to project God’s cause in this world.”

Power Through Prayer - Chapters
1- Men of Prayer Needed11- An Example of Devotion
2- Our Sufficiency is of God12- Heart Preparation Necessary
3- The Letter Killeth13- Grace From the Heart Rather than the Head
4- Tendencies to be Avoided14- Unction a Necessity
5- Prayer, the Great Essential15- Unction, the Mark of True Gospel Preaching
6- A Praying Ministry Successful16- Much Prayer the Price of Unction
7- Much Time Should be Given to Prayer17- Prayer Marks Spiritual Leadership
8- Examples of Praying Men18- Preachers Need the Prayers of the People
9- Begin the Day with Prayer19- Deliberation Necessary to Largest Results from Prayer
10- Prayer and Devotion United20- A Praying Pulpit Begets a Praying Pew

Book – Say it with Love, Howard Hendricks (no PDF)

In this 12-chapter book, Howard Hendricks shows—through principles of communication, to share the gospel widely.
Say it with Love- Chapters
1- God Said it with Love7- With God
2- Knowing / Feeling / Acting8- With Your Mate
3- Breaking the Sound Barriers9- With Your Children
4- Improving Communications10- In Your Church
5- “Selling” the Prospect11- In Your Neighborhood
6- Training Communicators12- In Your Daily Contacts

Book – Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary, J D Greear (no PDF)

Part 1: How the Gospel Does what Religion Cannot9- Urgent Mission
1- The Missing Gospel10- Expect Great Things
2- Why Religious Change Doesn't WOrk11- "But if Not..."

Part 2: The Gospel PrayerPart 3: Toward a Gospel-Centered Understanding of Life
3- The Gospel as Gift-Righteousness12- Why Are There "Commands" in Scripture?
4- Changed without a Command13- What is the Right Way to Work for God?
5- God is Better14- What Does a Gospel-Centered Church Look Like?
6- Changed by SightConclusion: You'll Never Find the Bottom
7- Gospel-Centered RelationshipsAppendix 1: The Gospel Project
8- Extravagant GenerosityAppendix 2: A Gospel-Centered Warning to Young Zealous Theologians

Marriage Communication or Chaos - Howard Hendricks Audio on Marriage.