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Wk6 - Homework

1- Book – Spiritual Authority – Watchman Nee

In 20 chapters, Watchman Nee completely covers the topic of Spiritual Authority.  Each chapter was a message, which was originally given in Chinese by the author during a training period for workers held in Kuling, Foochow, China in 1948.  The book is divided into 2 parts: Part 1: Authority and Subjection and Part 2: Delegated Authorities.
Spiritual Authority - Chapters
1- The Importance of Authority11- The Measure of Obeying Authority
2- Old Testament Instances of Rebellion12- Those Whom God Apprehends As Delegated Authorities
3- Old Testament Instances of Rebellion (Cont.)13- Primary Credential for Delegated Authorities: Revelation
4- David’s Knowledge of Authority14- The Character of Delegated Authorities: Graciousness
5- The Obedience of the Son15- The Basis for Being Delegated Authorities: Resurrection
6- How God Establishes His Kingdom16- Misuse of Authority and God’s Governmental Discipline
7- Men Should Obey Delegated Authority17- Delegated Authorities Must Be under Authority
8- The Authority of the Body18- The Daily Life and Inward Motivation of Delegated Authorities
9- The Manifestations of Man’s Rebellion19- Delegated Authorities Must Sanctify Themselves
10- The Manifestations of Man’s Rebellion (Cont.)20- The Conditions for Being Delegated Authorities

2- Listen to EHS Great Host Audio (very short) - Speaker: Pete Scazzero
    "EHS Great Host 1"
    "EHS Great Host 2"
    "EHS Great Host 3"
3- Review the NHT Growth Group Web Page and Resources -> NHT GGs

Greg Hester,
Apr 22, 2012, 11:09 PM
Greg Hester,
Apr 22, 2012, 11:10 PM
Greg Hester,
Apr 22, 2012, 11:10 PM